Book Review: Noonan Syndrome Characteristics and Interventions (Edited by Amrit Bhangoo)

Brett | Oct. 29, 2019

Noonan Syndrome Characteristics and Interventions (Noonan Syndrome) by Amrit Bhangoo is the first multi-disciplinary compendium of the multiple aspects of Noonan Syndrome that require medical assessment, monitoring and treatment. As such, this is a valuable resource for health professionals and individuals with Noonan Syndrome and their caregivers. The book comes with an impressive pedigree as Dr. Bhangoo is a pediatric endocrinologist with nearly a decade of experience teaching medical students in paediatrics and endocrinology. Dr Bhangoo is currently a senior editor on Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports and has served on editorial boards and is a reviewer of multiple medical journals as well as having contributed to chapters in many medical textbooks. In Noonan Syndrome Dr Bhangoo recruits guest authors from pediatric endocrinology, pediatric cardiology, genetics, pediatric urology, dentistry, anesthesiology, hematology and pediatric gastroenterology.

To create and publish the first authoritative text on Noonan Syndrome is an ambitious task but Dr Bhangoo succeeds in compiling contemporary research from multiple disciplines into a concise, coherent and comprehensive reference. Noonan Syndrome has chapters dedicated to genetics, growth hormone therapy, cardiac, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, dental, endocrinal, neurological and haematological manifestations of Noonan Syndrome. In this way Noonan Syndrome is a handy resource for people with Noonan Syndrome regardless of the severity and nature of their individual presentation.

Individuals with Noonan Syndrome and their caregivers may find the medical nature of the text difficult to read but Noonan Syndrome would be very handy to give to attending health professionals as many people with NS voice frustration with having to explain their condition and how it affects them personally. Noonan Syndrome could be handed to a specialist or health provider and the NS patient or caregiver could be confident their provider is receiving the latest up-to-date information and best practice guidelines.

Noonan Syndrome is a medical reference text and as such commands a current price of approximately $170 Australian dollars and this may be prohibitively expensive for some people. If one can afford it this text is a very handy (but optional) resource for parents and caregivers but it’s an essential purchase for health professionals currently treating patients with Noonan Syndrome.

The NSAA hopes Noonan Syndrome Characteristics and Interventions by Amrit Bhangoo will prove to be the first of many well researched and accessible medical reference texts for this rare disease.

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